Architecture, design

The kinetic and hypnotizing sculptures of Julia Nizamutdinova


This Russian artist and designer uses in a very original way, the capacities and technologies of the modern world to carry out very surprising creations.

Within a fantastic universe, Julia Nizamutdinova dreams up totally imaginary plants and animals, like robots, which hypnotize with their floating and undulating movements but also with their fascinating and mysterious exterior aspects.


This is the case with one of her latest achievements, a kinetic sculpture that spins and twists in a hypnotic manner. Made of plastic, aluminum and steel, INFI is inspired by the infinity sign in form and movement, constantly intersecting and repeating.


When illuminated with LED light, the edges stand out from the sculpture and the rhythmic, undulating movements become clearer. INFI, is part of the vast project of the artist she called Cyberflora, which brings together these objects with a therapeutic and meditative effect resulting from the contemplation of hypnotic movements and the beauty of futuristic forms.


For example, we find Flore Fluens, a creature both dark and beautiful. With the airs of a living flower, soft and fragile, this sculpture captivates with its eternal movement. Another creature, XXIV, which Julia named after the number of tentacles it possesses is a stunning kinetic object no less than 1.5 meters in length.


As for Sprut 3.0, it looks like a living plant that seems to flourish in a smooth movement. It’s difficult to take your eyes off this captivating work.


A nice way to mix art and design, all with a futuristic edge.