Yachts, robots

Keecker: a small high-tech French robot!

It's a cute little round robot and it could become indispensable!  A unique French creation and a new experiment in multimedia. Its name? Keecker! This connected high tech and premium robot combines all the uses of photo, video, web browsing, cinema, music, online games and television...

Mobile and wireless, it moves around autonomously broadcasting and projecting all your content in all rooms of the house according to your desires and wishes. 


Equipped with a 13 megapixel 360 degree camera on its head, it offers wide angle vision. No fear of accidental recording, a red LED lights up when the camera is active. A second 5-megapixel front camera and 2 microphones complete the system to capture images and conversations. The robot is very intelligent, Keecker has several sensors including a gyroscope, compas, speedometer and infrared.

 A unique French creation and a new experiment in multimedia.

  It gives real time information about the household environment and assures the well being of the whole family: humidity, temperature, and brightness. 
Only weighing 8.5 kilograms, its compact design facilities its movements from one room to another without constraint. 


To circulate, transmit, and connect, Keecker is controlled by a simple vocal command or from any smartphone. Via its Android or iOS app, controlling it is simple. 
It's large lithium-ion battery guarantees six hours of intense activity: projection, music, and movement, and 3 to 7 hours of moderate activity. 
A little technological gem at less than 2,000 euros! 
To discover exclusively at BHV Marais!