The company Opuntia S.A., publisher of the website LUXE.TV, undertakes that the processing of personal data obtained from the website LUXE.TV complies with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).

Whenever possible, we limit the collection of personal data to what is strictly necessary.


Data protection policy

We collect personal data:

  • to be able to answer you directly and as precisely as possible when you contact us using the contact form
  • to send you information about the channel, its contents and its partners when you subscribe to the newsletter.

The personal data collected on LUXE.TV is processed according to secure protocols and allows the company Opuntia S.A. to manage the requests received using its computer applications. Unless otherwise stated, they are only used by Opuntia S.A.


Exercise your rights

For any information or exercising of your rights on the processing of personal data managed by LUXE.TV, please contact our Data Protection Officer (DPO):

  • either via the contact form, specifying the purpose, and addressing it to the attention of the Data Protection Officer
  • or by post to the mailing address below:

31, Rue N.S. Pierret
Grand Duchy of Luxembourg

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